Yuri Nagernyak

Yuri Nagernyak: "The US has to consider position of Russia"

Yuri Nagernyak: "The US has to consider position of Russia"

Director General of the International Fund for the promotion of culture, science and education 'Humanism, Progress and Rule of Law', Yuri Nagernyak, analyzed the results of the visit of the US Secretary of State John Kerry to Moscow. …

Opposition actions help Plahotniuc, Nagernyak says

Opposition actions help Plahotniuc, Nagernyak says

The Director General of the International Fund for promotion of culture, science and education 'Humanism, Progress and Rule of Law', Yuri Nagernyak, spoke about the further development of the situation in Moldova. …

Moldova to choose

Moldova to choose

A stepping stone in Moldovan politics is the selection of a vector either towards Europe or towards Russia, towards the EAEC

Yuri Nagernyak: "Terrorism has acquired a systematic basis"

Yuri Nagernyak: "Terrorism has acquired a systematic basis"

The Director General of the International Fund for Promotion of Culture, Science and Education ‘Humanism, Progress and the Rule of Law’, Yuri Nagernyak, believes that extremism has found a system, an ideological basis. …